Priory Neighborhood Water Protection Association

Protect Our Water!

IMPORTANT NEWS!!! - Regarding the Rezoning Proposal

Dear Neighbors and Eau Claire County Friends,

We would like to announce that the proposed development will not be going forward.  Last week, the developer and some of our neighbors discussed resolving this issue.  After some back and forth negotiation, and consultation with the County, a deal was finalized today. 

Given that there is an agreement resolving this matter, the Priory Neighborhood Water Protection Association requests that our supporters not attend or speak at this meeting.  Although we appreciate the great level of support that has been shown, there is a concern that a large presence or comments may lead to unintended consequences in what should be a rapid approval.

The Priory Neighborhood Water Protection Association would like to thank the following for all their efforts on this matter:

  1. Everyone who wrote letters, attended meetings, sent e-mails, gave advice, shared contacts, and supported our neighborhood. This was a great group effort.
  2. Our President, Beth Ivankovic and her Husband, Slavko Ivankovic for tirelessly campaigning and going beyond the call of duty to protect our groundwater and rural character.
  3. The Priory Neighborhood Water Protection Board has met many evenings and spent hours of their time working to protect our ground water.
  4.  Dr. Robert Hooper, Department of Geology, UWEC.  Without Dr. Hooper’s expertise, we would not have made it past the first Town of Washington Board meeting.
  5. Dr. John Tinker, Professor Emeritus, UWEC, Hydrogeologist.  Without Dr. Tinker’s expertise, research, and explanations, again we would not be where we are today.
  6. Brian Nodolf, Attorney from Nodolf Flory, LLP.  Brian has worked tirelessly to ensure that we had the correct advice and plans to advocate our position.
  7. C&M Developers for their willingness to work with our neighborhood to produce a win-win outcome.

If you have any questions, please contact Joe Pavlic.

Thanks again for your help and support


Politics, Politics, & Politics

Do you know the three most important political elections in which their results can impact citizens on a daily basis more than any other races?

Presidential, nope

Senate or House race, nope

State legislature, nope

Turns out Township board elections, County Board elections and School Board elections can have a greater impact on your life than those listed above. Good School Board decisions lead to quality schools which attract quality businesses and good jobs. As we all know, County and

Township decisions can impact neighborhoods and the environment with one decision. The elections with the fewest participating can have the largest impact.

Next Tuesday, April 4th the Spring Election will be taking place in our Township. Absentee voting is happening right now. Check out the March 2017 Township newsletter at for letters from each

of the candidates running for Township elections. If you voted in the last election at the Town of Washington, you are registered! If you have never voted, bring your driver’s license and you can register before you vote!

I have been asked by many how the candidates stand on our issue. At this point, we do know that Priory Neighbor, Aaron Ellringer, is committed to protecting our ground water in the Priory Area. He has given our neighborhood his full support. For the incumbents running for office, we only have their statements from the Township newsletter to determine how they may feel about our environment and zoning. As citizens it is our responsibility to vote for the candidate that represents our values on issues. You do have the right when voting to not complete the entire ballot if those running for election do not speak for your values or you are not sure if they do.

Only vote for the candidate that speaks for you.

If you are concerned about protecting our ground water, please call 10 of your Town of Washington friends who are not in our neighborhood and ask them to support and vote for Aaron Ellringer in this election!


Town Plan Meeting - March 2017

This Wednesday, March 8 2017, from 5-7pm at the Town of Washington Comprehensive Land Planning Committee meeting, the Town of Washington Plan Commission will be discussing joining the RR (rural Residential (solid yellow) and the RC (Rural Cluster - yellow with lines).

What is the difference?

In Rural Cluster, a developer must develop using a conservation subdivision and can have densities greater than a house per 1 acre.

As always, I am not against developing but is this level of unsewered growth reasonable especially in areas outside of the SSA (sewer service area - dotted Blue line)?

Do we need more ground water study before we change the potential densities around our area? The committee has a 15 minute resident concern time at the beginning of the meeting. If you can come for 15 minutes and give your feelings about growth in the Town of Washington, please come or just come and listen.

I have been sitting in these meetings and it is interesting to see how they look at land use. It will be at the TOW hall.

This is an important and relevant issue for the Priory Neighborhood Water Protection Association.

march2017planmtgmapmarch2017planmtg01     march2017planmtg02   


Rezoning Request - Update



The Rezoning Request for 4928 Priory Road is NOT on the January 19, 2017 Town of Washington Board Meeting Agenda.  It is the Association's understanding that the requested Hydrogeologist's report is not yet complete. No decision will be made at the January Meeting. It is expected to be on the February 16, 2017 Town of Washington Board Meeting Agenda.  Please stay informed.  Stay energized.  It is important that the Association maintain our efforts to Protect our Water and Preserve the Rural Character of the Priory Neighborhood.   

Plan Commission Meeting

A few of the Priory Neighbors attended the January Town of Washington Plan Commission meeting.  The Town Plan Commission was gracious enough to hear the concerns about protecting our water and preserving the rural character of the Town of Washington in general.  The Plan Commission discussed the idea of reclassifying all current Rural Transitional areas to Rural Residential to bring more clarity to the Town of Washington Comprehensive Plan.  Other ideas such as requiring rezoning to amend the land use plan and varying grades of Rural Residential were also discussed.  The Town Plan Commission Chairman, Don Perry, encouraged all residents to keep a close eye on their Town Newsletter and the Town website to learn more about the Comprehensive Plan and the Town Plan Commission.


T-Shirts, Lawn Signs & Membership!!!

The Priory Neighborhood Water Protection Association Open House was a great success.  Nearly a quarter of our neighborhood showed up to learn more of the Association and our efforts to Protect Our Water.   We had a wonderful membership drive and now have a splendid start on our Association.  We also had wonderful materials regarding our watershed and well testing.  The Priory Neighborhood Water Protection Association encourages our neighbors to test their wells.  Eau Claire County/City can test your water for several items.  Their webpage will tell you more. 

We also have a couple items available to increase awareness of our effort to Protect Our Water.  Nice quality Blue and white t shirts with the Association logo on the front. Many sizes available for ten dollars.  We also have lawn signs to show your support and raise awareness of the issues before us.  Please Contact Beth Ivankovic - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - for more information.

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UWEC Geologist Speaks On Priory Neighborhood

One of the Geologists at the University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire, Dr Robert Hooper PhD, Professor, has released his observations regarding the geology of the Priory Neighbor and the potential impact developement might have.

From Dr. Robert Hooper's attached report: The Infographic " a stratigraphic section that was developed to show the nomenclature of bedrock rocks units that occur in and near the proposed Priory Rd development in the Town of Washington, Eau Claire County, WI. This development requires approval of a rezoning request to allow development of relatively high-density rural housing subdivision with lots of approximately 1 acre. Presumably each house would have private wells supplying water and a private septic system for waste disposal. This extended outline covers the basic components of a summary report of the geology of the area and some recommendations for future development activities. These recommendations are based only on the geology. The following description is a scientific opinion and was developed to help guide sound planning for the Town of Washington and Eau Claire County, WI. This abbreviated summary is not a complete report on the geology of the area. This report is not to be used for engineering site development. A complete geological report would require considerably more work than time allowed."

Dr. Hooper's Observations are available here.  

The Priory Neighborhood Water Protection Association would like to thank Dr Hooper for his insight, efforts in education and permission to reprint his observations.


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