Priory Neighborhood Water Protection Association

Protect Our Water!

UWEC Geologist Speaks On Priory Neighborhood

One of the Geologists at the University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire, Dr Robert Hooper PhD, Professor, has released his observations regarding the geology of the Priory Neighbor and the potential impact developement might have.

From Dr. Robert Hooper's attached report: The Infographic " a stratigraphic section that was developed to show the nomenclature of bedrock rocks units that occur in and near the proposed Priory Rd development in the Town of Washington, Eau Claire County, WI. This development requires approval of a rezoning request to allow development of relatively high-density rural housing subdivision with lots of approximately 1 acre. Presumably each house would have private wells supplying water and a private septic system for waste disposal. This extended outline covers the basic components of a summary report of the geology of the area and some recommendations for future development activities. These recommendations are based only on the geology. The following description is a scientific opinion and was developed to help guide sound planning for the Town of Washington and Eau Claire County, WI. This abbreviated summary is not a complete report on the geology of the area. This report is not to be used for engineering site development. A complete geological report would require considerably more work than time allowed."

Dr. Hooper's Observations are available here.  

The Priory Neighborhood Water Protection Association would like to thank Dr Hooper for his insight, efforts in education and permission to reprint his observations.
