Priory Neighborhood Water Protection Association

Protect Our Water!

Priory Neighborhood

PNWPAColorlogoThe Priory Neighborhood is a quiet peaceful neighborhood perched on rolling hills south of Eau Claire. Our neighborhood has wonderful advantages such as clean clear well water, rural character, wildlife viewing, scenic vistas, local agriculture and room to spread out. Chief among those advantages is our excellent supply of crystal clear water. The private wells in the area provide clean, clear water. There is no need for filtering or softening. . Many of residents of the Priory Neighborhood enjoy the varying and vibrant wildlife in the area. In fact, the residents of the area have privately dedicated nearly 5% of the area for green space. Birding, wildlife photography and even hunting are widely enjoyed in the Priory Neighborhood. 

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Protect Our Water!

Fawns1The neighborhood's water is excellent for drinking, washing, farming, and recreation.

This crucial resource is the prime concern of the Priory Neighborhood Water Protection Association. As Town of Washington or Brunswick residents dependent upon personal private wells, we must protect our own water sources. Given the depth of the soil and the structure of the surrounding geology, this protection takes on a greater meaning. Within much of the Priory Neighborhood the soil is between one foot and one inch (or less) in depth. Many neighbors can see the sandstone or other rock formations breaking the surface of the ground. Others report great difficulty in carrying our projects, such as fencing, pools, gardening and construction. 

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Preserving Our Rural Character

bollepropertyRural Character is so important to the area that the town dedicated its future planning to the reservation of agriculture and the rural character of the Town. This rural character and agriculture is more at risk closest to the City of Eau Claire. The Priory Neighborhood is a key example of the risk of neighborhood at risk of losing that rural character. In 2016, the Priory Neighborhood is home to approximately 200 households on 3.5 square miles. 46% of that 3.5 square miles is actively being farmed. Apples, Sunflowers, Corn, Soybean, Wheat, Maple Syrup, Christmas Trees and other crops.

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Neighborhood Boundaries

Fawn1Our Neighborhood bordered by I-94 in the North, West Lowes Creek Road (County Road F) in the East, West Deerfield Road (County Road II) in the south, and County Road B in the west.  The map below illustrates our geographic area of concern.  The Priory Neighborhood is split between the Town of Brunswick and the Town of Washington.  The Priory Neighborhood Water Protection Association welcomes the particpation and involvment of any residents within this area.

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