Priory Neighborhood Water Protection Association

Protect Our Water!

What is the PNWPA?


What is the Priory Neighborhood Water Protection Association?

  • We are a group of residents in Priory Neighborhood concerned about the protection of the Neighborhood’s water quality.
  • The purpose of the Priory Neighborhood Water Protection Association to preserve the watersheds of Taylor and Lowes Creeks within our Neighborhood.
  • The Priory Neighborhood Water Protection Association is also working to promote and preserve the rural character of the Neighborhood. It is a goal of the Priory Neighborhood Water Protection Association to promote our neighborhood and that sense of community.
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Our Association

Owl1The Priory Neighborhood Water Protection Association was established in 2016 to aid the residents in protecting our water supply and quality.   It is our goal to protect our water quality and supply, thru education and advocacy.  As residents, our voice is our most potent tool.  The Association seeks to magnify those solitary voices.  As the old saying goes there is strength in numbers.  

Our purpose as an association is very plain and simple.  We seek to Protect Our Water.  Nothing more complex.  

In our journey to protect our water, we will work with the Towns of Washington and Brunswick to preserve the rural character of the Priory Neighborhood.   It is our hope that in the course of protecting our water and preserving the rural character of the area, we will promote and nurture the growing sense of community in the Priory Neighborhood.  Our association is NOT a homeowner's association (HOA).  We are a group dedicated to our community and its water supply. 

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