Priory Neighborhood Water Protection Association

Protect Our Water!

What is the PNWPA?


What is the Priory Neighborhood Water Protection Association?

  • We are a group of residents in Priory Neighborhood concerned about the protection of the Neighborhood’s water quality.
  • The purpose of the Priory Neighborhood Water Protection Association to preserve the watersheds of Taylor and Lowes Creeks within our Neighborhood.
  • The Priory Neighborhood Water Protection Association is also working to promote and preserve the rural character of the Neighborhood. It is a goal of the Priory Neighborhood Water Protection Association to promote our neighborhood and that sense of community.

What is the Priory Neighborhood Water Protection Association doing?

  • The Priory Neighborhood Water Protection Association is bringing together residents of the Priory Neighborhood to magnify our voices.
  • We are gathering expert opinions to provide education and information to the residents of the Priory Neighborhood and the Towns of Washington and Brunswick, to ensure the protection of our water.
  • We are advocating for the Protection of Our Water and the preservation of the Rural Character within the Priory Neighborhood and the Town of Washington.

Is This a Homeowner’s Association?

  • Absolutely Not! We are dedicated to protecting the water quality and preserving the rural character of the Priory Neighborhood.
  • The Priory Neighborhood Association is NOT concerned with the color of your house, your landscaping or your flags.
  • We understand that part of rural living is being good neighbors who understand that “Good Fences Make Good neighbors”.