Priory Neighborhood Water Protection Association

Protect Our Water!

Town Board Meeting Notice - IMPORTANT

Many of us received notice from the Town of Washington regarding the rezoning of the old Freid farm.  The Town has yet to receive the requested Hydrology report from the developer.  However this item is still on the Agenda for Thursday’s Town Board Meeting. 

I have been told by a few Town of Washington officials that they will not permit any public input regarding this issue or items related to this issue. Their reasons include: 

  • They already closed the public comment portion of their decision at the last meeting although new information is coming from the developer.  We won’t have a chance to address that information without a public comment section. 
  • They have said that their decision is advisory.  The County views and takes town decisions with great weight.  They represent the Town of Washington.  They were voted in to protect the Town of Washington. Why would we send a Town of Washington issue to the County before we address all the issues at our local level?

I get the impression that the Town is not interested in any additional information. We have submitted a hydrology report from John Tinker, Jr., a highly recommended Hydrogeologist who has done work for the County many times as well as taught at the UWEC.  He is a professor Emeritus in the Geology Department and was recommended by Shane Sanderson of the Eau Claire City/County Health Department. He should be able to have time to evaluate the developer’s report as well as speak on Thursday.    

SO, if this decision stands…. This means we will not be allowed to offer comments, information or opinions regarding the proposed development.  WE WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO SPEAK ON THIS SUBJECT.

What can we do to ensure our Neighborhood is consulted on this issue which will greatly impact our Neighborhood?  Contact the Town Chair, Supervisors and Town Officials.  Please take the time tomorrow and Wednesday to email and call them.  Urge them to allow the neighborhood to have a voice regarding the protection of our water. Remind them how crucial this decision is to the future of our neighborhood as well as the entire Town of Washington.  Thank you!




Phone: (715) 497-6333

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Phone: (715) 834-5665

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Phone: (715) 831-9584

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Phone: (715) 835-4742

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Phone: (715) 878-4058

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We Need You!!!

The Town of Washington Meeting is rapidly approaching.  The next few weeks is the crazy time with this rezoning. We need to ask you to put the following dates on your calendar.  Our chances of success and influence will be increased with packed rooms of neighborhood support!!  

Thursday April 20th at 5 pm:   Town of Washington Board meeting at the Town hall.  Call or email each of the Board Supervisors and let them know how you feel. 

Tuesday April 25th at 7pm County Planning and Development Committee  No matter what happens at the TOW Board meeting, the matter will go to this committee and it will also be a VERY IMPORTANT MEETING FOR ALL OF US TO  ATTEND!  This committee’s recommendation is looked at very highly by the County Board.  There will be public comment at this meeting. COME TO THIS MEETING!!

What can you do?  Call, write, email any or all of the County Board members that are on this committee.  They include:  Gary Gibson, Chair, Gordon Steinhauer, Vice Chair, Jim Dunning, Stella Pagonis, and Mark Olson

Location is at:  Eau Claire County Courthouse, 721 Oxford Avenue, Room 1277, Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54703

Tuesday May 2nd at 7pm County Board Meeting This will be where a final decision is made on zoning. 

Please share these images. Print them out and tell your neighbors.  Send them to the Town and County officials.

This proposed density is not safe.  From everyone we have talked to, we have come to the conclusion that our issue is most definitely a public safety issue.  We must protect our water!

We are excited to look forward once this issue is resolved and work on some community fun!  Hang in there with us and thank you for all of your support!  



Attend the April Town Meeting!!!

April Town of Washington Board Meeting and Annual Meeting - April 20th
Annual Meetiung will start at 4:30pm
Town of Washington Board meeting starts at 5pm

The rezoning proposal for the Fried/Bolle/C&M Farm land will be on the agenda this month. As a neighborhood, we must pack the room. If the Town Board decides to vote for rezoning this land, we do have future steps to take and we will take them together to protect our ground water and neighborhood. This vote is step one in our process. Please be aware that the Town Board may tell us that we cannot have any public comment on April 20th. Hopefully the Board will be receptive to listening and learning new information from Town Residents before making up their minds for the vote.

We can make a difference! We can protect our ground water but we do need your help. Please call, write, or e-mail our Board Supervisors. Let them know how rezoning this land that will allow high density development will negatively impact your life, land, and water. This proposed development contradicts the Town Comprehensive plan in multiple ways. Check out our website for specifics or read through the Town of Washington’s Comprehensive plan.

We Need You to Protect our Water. Please attend the Town Meetings! Please join the Priory Neighborhood Water Protection Association! Please Volunteer to get the word out to encourage the Town Board to promote and protect our Town’s Comprehensive Plan! Contact the Priory Neighborhood Water Protection Association. Beth Ivankovic ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ) or Joe Pavlic ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. )



What Can I Do?

Many of us are concerned about the our water and dissapearing rural character.  We must take action if we want our voices heard.  We cannot expect our Town Board to read minds.  Here are some suggestions for residents to take direct action.

Join the Priory Neighborhood Water Protection Association.


Join Our Facebook Group

Sign our petition

Email the Town Of Washington Board

  • Michael Peterson, Chairman This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
  • Michael Stacy This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Donald Perry This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Karen Tomesh This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Jane Mueller This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Read, learn and know the government plans for our neighborhood

An Open Letter to Our Neighbors

Dear Neighbors,

We have been informed about a potential new development on the land that starts at the corner of Abbey Road and Priory Road. It is a 55 acre parcel on which they would like to put thirty-one (31) - 1 acre homes.

On December 15 at 5 PM, the Town of Washington(TOW) board discussed voting on rezoning this land. Currently it is Rural Housing which means 1 house/5 acres. The developer would like to change it to Rural Residential which means either 1 house/2 acres or a higher density if 40% of the land is open land and this includes the road (Called a Conservation Subdivision). The Town of Washington’s Comprehensive plan (TOWCP) would like land in our area rezoned to Rural Residential or Rural Residential Cluster.

We oppose this higher density for the reasons below. If you have similar concerns, please attend future meetings, call or write the Town of Washington Board members (names and numbers listed below) and/or sign the on-line petition at . Please Help Us Protect Our Water.  Join the Priory Neighborhood Water Protection Association

After reading through the TOWCP as well as talking with employees from the City of Eau Claire, the County, the TOW, and other local professionals concerns for this proposal include:

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