Priory Neighborhood Water Protection Association

Protect Our Water!

Priory Neighborhood

PNWPAColorlogoThe Priory Neighborhood is a quiet peaceful neighborhood perched on rolling hills south of Eau Claire. Our neighborhood has wonderful advantages such as clean clear well water, rural character, wildlife viewing, scenic vistas, local agriculture and room to spread out. Chief among those advantages is our excellent supply of crystal clear water. The private wells in the area provide clean, clear water. There is no need for filtering or softening. . Many of residents of the Priory Neighborhood enjoy the varying and vibrant wildlife in the area. In fact, the residents of the area have privately dedicated nearly 5% of the area for green space. Birding, wildlife photography and even hunting are widely enjoyed in the Priory Neighborhood. 


This active ecosystem is dependent upon the pastoral nature of the area for survival. Turkeys, grouse, pheasant, owls, wood peckers, and many other birds nest in our trees and forests. A small family of Black Bears have made the Lowes Creek area their home as well as the gullies that feed it. Large Herds of deer make the area home. They are often seen crossing back and forth across Priory and many trails through the woods are created by their wanderings. Fisher and Martins have been seen climbing up from the creeks. Quite a few residents have heard coyote... Some have even seen bobcat tracks. The residents of the area enjoy this connection with the local wildlife, as exhibited by the large number of bird feeders in the area. This ecosystem should be preserved for the enjoyment of future generations. The rolling hills of the Priory Neighborhood afford many stunning vistas. On a clear day, it is possible to look north nearly to the Leinenkugel’s brewery in Chippewa Falls. On the other side of the hills one can gaze south west on acres and acres of green space and farmland. It’s not unusual to see the tips of water towers or radio tower near Mondavi. Our Neighborhood is uniquely situated on a ridge overlooking a large portion of the Chippewa Valley. As a Neighborhood, we cherish our views.