Priory Neighborhood Water Protection Association

Protect Our Water!

Politics, Politics, & Politics

Do you know the three most important political elections in which their results can impact citizens on a daily basis more than any other races?

Presidential, nope

Senate or House race, nope

State legislature, nope

Turns out Township board elections, County Board elections and School Board elections can have a greater impact on your life than those listed above. Good School Board decisions lead to quality schools which attract quality businesses and good jobs. As we all know, County and

Township decisions can impact neighborhoods and the environment with one decision. The elections with the fewest participating can have the largest impact.

Next Tuesday, April 4th the Spring Election will be taking place in our Township. Absentee voting is happening right now. Check out the March 2017 Township newsletter at for letters from each

of the candidates running for Township elections. If you voted in the last election at the Town of Washington, you are registered! If you have never voted, bring your driver’s license and you can register before you vote!

I have been asked by many how the candidates stand on our issue. At this point, we do know that Priory Neighbor, Aaron Ellringer, is committed to protecting our ground water in the Priory Area. He has given our neighborhood his full support. For the incumbents running for office, we only have their statements from the Township newsletter to determine how they may feel about our environment and zoning. As citizens it is our responsibility to vote for the candidate that represents our values on issues. You do have the right when voting to not complete the entire ballot if those running for election do not speak for your values or you are not sure if they do.

Only vote for the candidate that speaks for you.

If you are concerned about protecting our ground water, please call 10 of your Town of Washington friends who are not in our neighborhood and ask them to support and vote for Aaron Ellringer in this election!
