Priory Neighborhood Water Protection Association

Protect Our Water!

Association Election


The Priory Neighborhood Water Protection Association was formed as a group to preserve ongoing water quality within the Priory Neighborhood. To accomplish that long term, we need to establish infrastructure now. Accordingly, we need folks to lead the Priory Neighborhood Water Protection Association. We anticipate that the Association Board will be comprised of 9 directors. The President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary will be elected by the directors. The Membership of the Association will elect the directors to lead and administer the Priory Neighborhood Water Protection Association.

Our first step is to gather nominees. Any time before January 28, 2017, anyone wishing to nominate someone (themselves or another member) should contact the Interim Secretary Joe Pavlic (1450 Priory – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. – 414.581.9091) with their nominations.

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Protect Our Water!

We are a group of residents of the Towns of Washington and Brunswick, dedicated to the preservation and protection of the water quality and supply in the Neighborhood of Priory/Mitchell Roads. This dedication has led to a new sense of community and an appreciation for the rural character of the Priory Road Neighborhood. In this spirit we have gathered to form the Priory Neighborhood Water Protection Association.

The purpose of the Priory Neighborhood Water Protection Association to preserve the watersheds of Taylor and Lowes Creeks within our Neighborhood. The unique geological structure of the Neighborhood poses its own challenges to water quality and run off. The protection of the water supply and quality is our paramount purpose.

We invite those interested in assisting us to protect the water of the Priory Neighbohood to join us.  Please contact us with any questions or comments.


Rezoning Request - 4928 Priory Road

A request for rezoning at 4928 Priory Road has been presented to the Town of Washington Board.  It is the intent of the landowner to develop the 55.8 acre parcel as a higher density residential development.  They are requesting higher density than the normal in exchange for setting aside several lots for green space.  The Priory Neighborhood Water Protection Association is concerned that this high density will have several negative impacts on the Priory Neighborhood. 


The Priory Neighborhood Water Protection Association is opposed to a zoning change from 5 acre lots to a Rural Residential classification where one house could be on an acre.

The land in the Priory Neighborhood "has areas of bedrock within 5 feet of the surface of the ground, creating problems for building foundations, and especially for sitting septic. The implication is that extensive unsewered growth could cause problems for ground and surface water and contaminate shallow wells."(page 4-49 of The Land Use and Growth Management Assessment for Eau Claire).

The land west of Hwy F is out of the Sewer Service Agreement which means it will not be added to the City of Eau Claire's Public water and sewer in the future. The Priory Neighborhood Water Protection Association must be diligent in protecting our ground water in this area. Septic systems on larger tracks of land are always safer for the community. The City of Eau Claire is recommending mound septic for the north end of this property which will be a lot on a 1 acre piece of property. The City of Eau Claire has not had such a high density development on this type of bedrock before.

This land also has a noted slope of >20% per Map 8 of the Town of Washington Comprehensive Plan which does not agree with the term "potentially developable land" for a Rural Conservation development. It should remain zoned for 5 acre lots.

  • The added impermeable surfaces, such as driveways, roofs and roads will add to increased water run off, which will impact homes and properties and homes lower than this proposed subdivision.

The traffic on Priory Road has increased a lot over the past couple of years. An additional 31 houses will cause more traffic and safety issues while walking our dogs and riding our bikes. At present, the TOW has no plans for improving Priory Road or adding a bike lane to it.

There are also well over 300 acres of farmland in current operation immediately adjacent to this proposed development. The proposed residents would be obligated sign disclosures that respect the rights of those farmers to continue agricultural operations.  The Town of Washington Comprehensive Plan states that land use conflicts are to be avoided at any opportunity.  The potential residents of an upscale 500k plus development are not likely to be pleased with manure spreading, application of herbicides and pesticides, and late night or early morning operation of farming equipment.  This is the very sort of land use conflict that resulted in Wisconsin’s Right to Farm Laws.

This proposed land development also goes against the Town of Washington's goals for Conservation Development (see 2.8.2 of the TOWCP). It is completely different from other developments in the area.


Below are images of the proposed rezoning and the potential development.


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