Priory Neighborhood Water Protection Association

Protect Our Water!

IMPORTANT NEWS!!! - Regarding the Rezoning Proposal

Dear Neighbors and Eau Claire County Friends,

We would like to announce that the proposed development will not be going forward.  Last week, the developer and some of our neighbors discussed resolving this issue.  After some back and forth negotiation, and consultation with the County, a deal was finalized today. 

Given that there is an agreement resolving this matter, the Priory Neighborhood Water Protection Association requests that our supporters not attend or speak at this meeting.  Although we appreciate the great level of support that has been shown, there is a concern that a large presence or comments may lead to unintended consequences in what should be a rapid approval.

The Priory Neighborhood Water Protection Association would like to thank the following for all their efforts on this matter:

  1. Everyone who wrote letters, attended meetings, sent e-mails, gave advice, shared contacts, and supported our neighborhood. This was a great group effort.
  2. Our President, Beth Ivankovic and her Husband, Slavko Ivankovic for tirelessly campaigning and going beyond the call of duty to protect our groundwater and rural character.
  3. The Priory Neighborhood Water Protection Board has met many evenings and spent hours of their time working to protect our ground water.
  4.  Dr. Robert Hooper, Department of Geology, UWEC.  Without Dr. Hooper’s expertise, we would not have made it past the first Town of Washington Board meeting.
  5. Dr. John Tinker, Professor Emeritus, UWEC, Hydrogeologist.  Without Dr. Tinker’s expertise, research, and explanations, again we would not be where we are today.
  6. Brian Nodolf, Attorney from Nodolf Flory, LLP.  Brian has worked tirelessly to ensure that we had the correct advice and plans to advocate our position.
  7. C&M Developers for their willingness to work with our neighborhood to produce a win-win outcome.

If you have any questions, please contact Joe Pavlic.

Thanks again for your help and support
