Priory Neighborhood Water Protection Association

Protect Our Water!

Town Plan Meeting - March 2017

This Wednesday, March 8 2017, from 5-7pm at the Town of Washington Comprehensive Land Planning Committee meeting, the Town of Washington Plan Commission will be discussing joining the RR (rural Residential (solid yellow) and the RC (Rural Cluster - yellow with lines).

What is the difference?

In Rural Cluster, a developer must develop using a conservation subdivision and can have densities greater than a house per 1 acre.

As always, I am not against developing but is this level of unsewered growth reasonable especially in areas outside of the SSA (sewer service area - dotted Blue line)?

Do we need more ground water study before we change the potential densities around our area? The committee has a 15 minute resident concern time at the beginning of the meeting. If you can come for 15 minutes and give your feelings about growth in the Town of Washington, please come or just come and listen.

I have been sitting in these meetings and it is interesting to see how they look at land use. It will be at the TOW hall.

This is an important and relevant issue for the Priory Neighborhood Water Protection Association.

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