Priory Neighborhood Water Protection Association

Protect Our Water!

Town of Washington Board Meeting - Jan 19

PNWPAColorlogoThe rezoning is NOT on this month’s agenda but we would like at least 10-15 neighbors to be at this week’s Town of Washington Board meeting.  We have 6 neighbors who can definitely be there.  Can you?  The Town of Washington Land Plan Commission will be giving a report and this also will affect our area with their future recommended plans.  The meeting is at 5 pm tomorrow evening January 19th at the TOW building.  Please e-mail Beth Ivankovic if you can attend This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .  Thank you!

February’s TOW Board meeting will be on February 16th at 5pm.  It is highly likely the rezoning will be at this meeting.  Please put it on your calendars and plan on attending!  Numbers of neighbors really matter for rezoning issues! Thank you!!